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The Best Social Media Aggregator for Every Type of Business

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These days, there are a lot of social media tools out there claiming to make a difference for your business. So why do you need a social media aggregator?

Why Does Your Business Need a Social Media Aggregator?

social media tool for business

A good social media aggregator helps solidify your brand strategy across all platforms by uniting your best social media content into one beautiful feed on your website. This feed can be a conglomerate of your personal posts, or combine posts containing a specific hashtag. This allows your business’ website to stay current and up-to-date and provides more opportunities for customers to connect with your brand.

This tool is unique in that, unlike social media content creators or scheduling tools, it does the work for you. Once you set up your Juicer social media aggregator in three easy steps, your work is done! The feed will automatically update according to your custom settings with little to no maintenance from you.

As an added bonus, your social media aggregator feed can also be used for display at live events in the form of a social media wall. Read on to learn how to find the best social media aggregator for your business.

Small Businesses

social media tools for small business

We know it can be a lot of work running a small business, which is why the best social media aggregator for these types of organizations are quick to set up and don’t involve much maintenance. Juicer’s tool fits the bill, with step-by-step tutorials to connect your social media platforms to the feed, embed, and then go about your business. While you focus on your customers, Juicer will make sure your social feed is up-to-date.

E-Commerce Businesses

No matter what product you’re selling via your e-commerce store, it’s especially important that customers feel they have a full understanding of what the product is, how it looks, and how it’s used. The best social media aggregator for these types of businesses are ones that allow for platform and design flexibility to best showcase the products.

Juicer offers 8 pre-set feed styles to choose from as well as the option to custom design your feed to perfectly match your brand guidelines. These options allow you to showcase your best image, video, and text content in a feed that grabs attention and is easy for users to interact with.


social media tools for startups

There’s no better way to invite customers, and potential investors, into your startup business than by sharing your journey through social media. The best social media aggregator for startups creates an easy access point to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and products being offered. Juicer’s social media aggregator will combine content from traditional platforms like Facebook and Twitter as well as less common inclusions like Slack and Vimeo. The easy set up process will ensure that your social media aggregator is displaying the latest posts without any additional effort, so you can focus on getting your business up and off the ground.

Businesses Offering a Service

One question we get often is, “What if I don’t offer a tangible product? What’s the best social media aggregator for offering a service or experience?” These types of businesses can feel difficult to market on social media, but with Juicer, it’s easier than you might think! If your business doesn’t produce as much compelling content as you’d like, you can adjust the feed’s settings to aggregate content around a unique hashtag. This is a simple way to develop a robust feed of content produced by your customers. They can share their personal experiences from working with your business and show the human qualities that make others want to connect with you, too!

Event-Based Businesses

For businesses that thrive outside the four walls of an office, we know it’s important to maintain your event marketing strategy to stand apart from the crowd. The best social media aggregator is prepared to meet your needs. With Juicer, you not only get the social media feed on your company website, you also have the option to create a live social media wall to engage guests at parties, events, trade shows, conferences, and more. It’s the perfect way to grab attention and make everyone feel like part of the action.

Bloggers and Influencers

social media tools for bloggers

If you didn’t already know, if you’re a blogger or social media influencer, you’re running your own business! Personal branding is incredibly important, particularly when the “product” is you. Make sure the content you’ve worked so hard to create is doing the most for your brand. The best social media aggregator for bloggers and influencers helps bridge the gap between social media platforms and unites all content under your single umbrella.

You can combine your content into a single feed for your website, or curate a feed based around your signature hashtag. The best part? The feed will automatically update, making sure followers are updated on your daily activity without any additional effort from you!

The Best Social Media Aggregator for Your Business? Juicer.

We might be biased, but Juicer’s social media aggregator meets each and every one of the needs expressed by your business, whether you’re a startup or influencer. We like to think we’re an aggregator for the people, offering the highest quality service at a reasonable price.

Juicer offers a range of pricing plans for every size of business – from free for 2 source accounts and a limited feature set, to Medium and Large plans for faster automatic updates, custom branding, 5+ source accounts and moderation and filtering tools. We also offer custom enterprise plans and campaign options for larger agencies and businesses managing multiple social media profiles.

So what are you waiting for? Level up your business today with the best social media aggregator for you, Juicer!

Get started with Juicer now!

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Ready to start?

Get your beautiful social media feed from Juicer today!