Social Media Strategies for Artists and Other Visual Professions

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There are many people who work in an industry where they create stunning projects. Think of the amazing creations of artists, clothing designers, photographers, architects, pastry chefs, and graphic designers. The inherently visual aspect of their work meshes perfectly with social networks where they can show off images of their talents. Social media networks such as Instagram, Flickr, and YouTube all give these artists and designers an outlet to share photos and videos of their work with others. Just like with other industries, figuring out a social media strategy for artists is an important first step to getting social media right.

social media strategies for artists

Picking the Right Platforms For Your Social Media Strategy

As someone working in a more visual profession, it’s good to keep in mind the importance of spreading the word about your brand and getting images of your creations on social media platforms designed for visual discovery. When using social networks with a stronger focus on images like Instagram and Flickr, even Reddit, you’re more likely to be sharing photos of your creations and designs with people who are looking for them. With the ability to do an image search using hashtags, join interest groups, and curate the content users see in their social feed using a content aggregator website, your posts have a chance of showing up for a more relevant audience.

Once you’ve chosen a social media platform that will ensure you’re reaching people who would be interested in learning more about your designs, there are a few social media marketing strategies you should consider:

Use Hashtags to Make Finding Photos On Social Media Easier

To reach the right people, you’ll need to make sure you’re using the right hashtags. Hashtag image search is one of the core features of many visually focused social platforms. Look for keywords other creators are using in their social image searches. Do some research using a hashtag aggregator or other type of social aggregator websites. Find out which social media hashtags are relevant for your creations and have a good amount of interest behind them.

hashtag image aggregator
hashtag photo aggregator

When it comes to choosing the right number of hashtags for your posts, that’s up to you. But if you plan on using a paragraph-sized amount of social media tags, you might want to make sure they’re always at the end of your post.

Find Niche Communities to Connect With

Most creators know that their creations fit into a specific interest niche. 9 times out of 10 there will also be a social media community to compliment that niche. Whether it’s a subreddit group for monochromatic designs or a LinkedIn group for sustainable architecture, there is bound to be a place where you will be among others that share your passion. These communities are a great place to help you discover other communities, develop potential partnerships, share your art, and learn from creators like yourself.

Engage With Others

If people are liking, sharing, and commenting on social media posts with images or videos of your designs don’t forget to engage with them. Show your appreciation and answer any questions they have. Nothing will make them feel more connected to you than showing them that there’s a real person on the other side of that screen. This can add a more personal and human element to your creations and that has the potential to impact and inspire others who see photos of your creations.

engagement strategies for artists

Bring Your Social Media to Your Website with an Image Aggregator

Social media can be a huge benefit for your brand. It’s a great marketing tool for sharing images or videos of your designs. For most people though, the ultimate goal is to get users to visit your site so you can make a sale. When you bring social media to your website to encourage visitors to explore your posts without leaving your site. In addition to being a valuable tool for promoting your work, the chance of conversion is much higher.

You can easily incorporate your social media posts on your website using a social wall like Juicer to aggregate posts from all your accounts or to create a stunning portfolio on your website. Image aggregators and social media aggregators will allow you to curate and filter your own social media posts and images to display the ones you choose. Most social wall tools and image aggregators are also built to allow you to alter the style and design of the social wall so it fits with your website design and your branding.

If you are using these strategic social media marketing tactics then you’re well on your way to expanding your brand awareness and creating new brand advocates. One of the most incredible things about social media is the ability to connect with and impact people you’ve never met and likely never would have. With this approach, you have the chance to let images of your creations leave a lasting impact on someone else through social media.

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