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10 Modern Corporate Event Ideas Your Business Needs

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Word on the street is many of the formal corporate events have grown a little out of date. Those stuffy office gatherings in the break room aren’t cutting it anymore. Even company event ideas like catered lunches are an average expected perk for most modern businesses.

Try out these event ideas to switch things up and create a more enjoyable experience for guests.

1. Host an office sports tournament

Host a weekend sports tournament for your employees and their families! Find a public park with plenty of space and organize games of volleyball, kickball, frisbee, or any other outdoor activity your crew enjoys. You can also have a potluck barbeque afterward.

company event ideas for floral arrangements

2. Organize low-key company retreats

Wish you could splurge on a weekend-long getaway for your corporate event? While you may have to modify your event plans a bit (read: not fly the whole team to Colorado), there are still great ways to make this happen! 

Organize low-key company retreats

See if a friend or colleague with a great home will loan it out to you for a day or weekend or invest in an Airbnb in your city! You can then plan events on that property and bring folks to an oasis that isn’t too far from home.

3. Create an event social media wall

A fun way to add a little something extra to your corporate event is to set up a social media wall! When your employees use the unique hashtag chosen for the event, their social media posts will be added to the feed and projected on the social media wall at the event. You can later collect the photos to include in a company newsletter or team bulletin.

4. Bring a yoga teacher to the office

Instead of paying to rent out a yoga studio, consider inviting a teacher into your office for the afternoon. Yoga teachers often have special group rates and can come to your office to help your employees relax and rejuvenate, rather than taking your team all the way to their office. 

5. Dress up your office space

Dress up your office space

If you want to host a day-long corporate event but are looking to cut the cost of an event space, consider instead dressing up your office. Rearrange furniture and add a bit of decoration to make the space more inviting and usable for your corporate event.

6. Have a “bring your dog to work” day

Having a friendly pup around is sure to brighten everyones’ day! If employees have dogs, invite them to bring them to work for a day. Have treats for both dogs and employees at the ready and schedule a puppy play time to boost spirits.

7. Host personality and strengths tests

For a free or low-cost way to have fun and build better bonds between team members, consider opting for a company-wide personality and strengths test at your corporate event. Tests like the Myers-Briggs or Enneagram are easy to take and provide insights into an individual’s personality traits and how they work best with others.

8. Drive-in movie nights

Instead of renting out an entire movie theater, perhaps you could opt for reserving spots at a drive-in movie for your team’s corporate event. Drive-in theaters are often less expensive, and your employees can bring their snacks and drinks.

9. Let employees participate in event planning

When the budget is limited for a corporate event, employees will often appreciate having a say in how the money will be spent! If there’s only one big event or treat to be had, why not send out a survey to let the team decide together? This will minimize grumbling and let employees have their voices heard.

10. Send handwritten, personalized ‘Thank You’ notes

The best way to show your employees you care is through simple words of affirmation that you value their work and contributions to the company. A great way to do this is through personalized, handwritten notes. These can be included in a gift bag, handed out after a performance review, or given to employees at the end of a corporate event.

Make your events memorable with Juicer 

Juicer lets you create beautiful social walls for your corporate events. Guests can share beautiful images to the social wall via a hashtag, and you can display the wall on your website or external screens during and after the event. 

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